Rent Smart Wales
What is Rent Smart Wales?
Rent Smart Wales is in place to make sure all private rented property in Wales and their landlords are named on a central register. In addition, self-managing landlords and agents who let and manage property must have a licence. In order to get a licence people must be trained in their rights and responsibilities when renting out property to tenants.
What does this mean for me?
With all landlords being registered with Rent Smart, there is then a central register and location for all tenants to voice their concerns about the actions of their Landlord. This means you can voice your concerns about your Landlord / Agents conducts with regard to your property.
I have concerns about my Landlord...
If you are worried about how your landlord or agent acts licensed by Rent Smart Wales you can report this to Rent Smart Wales and they will investigate the issue. To contact Rent Smart click here.